if there's anyone i hate as much as dell, it would probably be
cvs. first, cvs disguises its christianity in an acronym in a devious effort to profit off jews, muslims, buddhists, and even athiests. second, cvs prices are hardly a value. $4.99 for some shampoo? $10.62 for a pack of gum? $220 to get your photos developed? ooooh, where do i sign?! fuck you cvs.
finally, cvs is simply a cocksucking company who hires cocksucking employees (slur of the day: cocksucking). of course i have a reason for all of this. this morning i had a follow-up appointment with my stomach doctor. the last time i was there he gave me some magic pills that have made my stomach better about 92% of the time, which is awesome. since i still occasionally had problems, he wondered if it wasn't just an acid buildup or something during those times, so he prescribed me a free trial of some other pill (think zantac times 30). i took the prescription over to cvs. fucking cvs. cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs cvs (fuck you).
so i wait in line (as always at cvs) behind 2 other guys. after they were both denied the prescriptions they were seeking (1 was a legitimate denial, although there was a definite miscommunication about it which caused the man to be at cvs in the first place, so it's probably their fault he was there even though he was rightfully denied the drug. the other denial was bullshit.), it was my turn. after watching the last 2 guys, i just knew they were going to give me shit for my free trial prescription.
"what's this?"
"a free trial prescription. the doctor said to give it to you and i wouldn't have to pay anything." (hence free, dumbass)
"well, i've never seen this before."
"so it doesn't exist?"
"well, we don't just give free prescriptions. do you have a coupon?"
"uhhhh, no."
"usually there's a coupon or a sticker on the back."
"well there isn't. but it's free. i
just came from the doctor and that's what he said."
"well we can't honor this."
"why not?"
"because you don't have a coupon or a sticker."
"but it says right there, in print, that it's free! the doctor signed it! do you think i go around forging these things?!" (and i mean seriously, it's for an acid reducer, it's not like i was asking for valium)
"no, i don't, but we can't honor this. you need a coupon."
with that, i was so fed up that i very rudely ripped the prescription back from her hand and stormed out. and if you think i'm above loudly dropping the f-bomb followed by jesus' name in vain in front of her, the other pill pushers, the people in the line behind me, and some children, then you really don't know me at all.
cvs is such a piece of shit.