Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

meet the fuckers

i've said it before, and i'll say it again: people are stupid.

after being out drinking last night i got my ass up at 730am today to drive myself and santos an hour and a half just so potential landlords could meet us (well so his wife could meet us and he could meet the dog). i got there around 945, and i was back on the road by 1005. you read that correctly. they had me drive 3 hours round trip so they could meet my dog for 20 minutes.

to make matters worse, the wife is a cunt. it was more than obvious in those 20 mins that she did not really want to rent to us and was probably a bit put out that her husband seemed ok with it. she kept making random remarks like, "wow, we weren't even going to rent to anyone with a dog, and now we're renting to a large dog!" listen you fucking twat, you guys were the ones who posted the apartment as dog friendly, not us. the only reason we even called to look at the place was because of that listing. if you dont want to rent to dog owners then pay fucking attention to what you say in your listing.

she also told me that, by the way, you can't let your dog go to the bathroom in the backyard if you live here. i'm sorry, what? she said we'd have to walk him around the neighborhood (think of santos shitting on either a concrete sidewalk or someone else's front lawn). she then tried to tell me it was different for their 3 dogs because they were smaller dogs so the mess wasn't as bad. i told her i pick up after santos. she said that wasn't the point because she'd "seen big dogs" and "knew they left a big mess." i still fail to see the problem if it's picked up. she's a fucking moron.

and just to add insult to injury, they live in the top 2 floors of the house, so we'd be running into them everyday basically. in the end, they told me we can have the apartment. but i'm a little nervous now because i dont want to live under a raging psycho bitch (i seem to recall living above one recently...). tonight dominique and i are going to talk about this apartment and our other options. we'll see what we decide to do...


At 6/04/2007 12:14 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

Lots of red flags there.

At 6/04/2007 2:36 PM, Blogger josh said...

yeah...too many red flags. i think we're going to turn it down even though the apt itself is awesome. i'm debating whether i want to specifically include why (think: your wife is a psycho bitch) when i turn it down.

At 6/04/2007 3:10 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

I would tell them, "We were very worried about the wife's bizarre behavior. The ad mentioned "pet friendly", then she complained about the pets and had theories about why 3 small dogs poop less than one big dog. Frankly, such a misunderstanding of biology/physics disqualifies any landlord in our view. We appreciate your time and would appreciate your reimbursement of our 3 hour trip for a 15 minute dog inspection."


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