Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

what did the man at the beach say to michael jackson?

get out of my son!

i'm sometimes criticized when a celebrity's name comes up in conversation and i have no idea who they are. so i must ask, if you have a fascination with celebrities, why?

i'm not trying to be difficult, i'm just curious as to why. they're not superhuman. they're made of the same stuff you and i are. do they deserve all this extra love (or hate) simply because they've cast themselves (or fell ass backwards) into the limelight? why are their carbon bases more interesting than ours?

i personally dont feel bad about not knowing who celebrities are, and i never will. why would i need to know this, other than to keep up in conversation? wouldnt it be better if i worked on first remembering all the people i actually meet, in case i run into them again? i think it might be.

i dont care that lance bass now openly admitting to liking balls. so did some kid in my psychology class. and let's be honest, if you didnt know that at least one member of n'suck liked to take it up the ass before this, then you're on another planet anyway.

and yet the celebrity gossip industry is booming. why is this? i dont understand it. i think people are very interesting to observe, interact with, and talk to. but i feel like celebrities are often fake, or have fake images to live up to. so maybe the appeal is seeing them at their lowest, proving that they're just normal people too? i'm sure some of them are awesome people, but do we really get to see that? i suppose in some instances we do. but what's the big deal about who's dating who, celebrity couples, etc.? i'd be more interested in knowing whether my neighbor is actually sleeping with that large, hideous girl who always comes by.

i'll be interested to hear your thoughts on this. and now, a little something for the celebrity lovers.


At 7/27/2006 3:59 PM, Blogger Lily Graypure said...

Yeah, I don't care that much, either. That doesn't stop me from reading about them on CNN, but that's different from actually giving a shit.

And yes, he's probably sleeping with her.

At 7/27/2006 9:53 PM, Blogger d$ said...

i dont think he's sleeping with her, it's pretty obvious the guy is selling something.. the question is what, and how much of a discount can we get for keeping quiet?

when i was younger i used to keep up with what child stars were doing because i was secretly jealous and really wanted to act. (maybe i still do a little)

Dominique.... ssseeeeecrets.

At 7/28/2006 2:00 AM, Blogger LawNut said...

I love celebrity gossip. I don't know what it is about it. It's just interesting. Maybe because our lives are devoid of as much drama as celebrities lives? Maybe because they have tons of money and are always doing weird things with it? I don't know, but I really enjoyed the celebrities eating website. I didn't think Nicole and Lindsey still ate? Hmm...guess eating's in again...

At 7/28/2006 5:44 AM, Blogger Handy Man said...

They are just over inflated people that use the media to there advantage...who realy give a rats ass.

At 7/29/2006 9:00 AM, Blogger sadielady said...

Problems I have with this article:

1. "Lance Bass, band member of 'N Sync, says he's gay and in a 'very stable' relationship with a reality show star." - - - i seriously doubt that a relationship with a reality tv star can be characterized as 'very stable'

2. "I had four other guys' careers in my hand" - - - i think he had more than just their careers in his hand, from the sounds of it.

3. "Bass has also found headlines for undertaking astronaut training and failing to raise money for a trip into space." - - - wtf, that's just too easy to make fun of

4. "Bass says he wondered if his coming out could prompt 'the end of 'N Sync.'" - - - um, I think it's already ended...

At 7/30/2006 2:16 AM, Blogger d$ said...

in addition to celebrities eating, you might also like this site

At 7/30/2006 12:10 PM, Blogger JLee said...

what?? Lance Bass GAY? I haven't been that shocked since George "Wham" Michael came out of the closet. So what site is next? Celebrities pooping? You laugh...


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