Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

hangover wednesday

good to see everyone again last night. good for the birthday boy, so that's nice. it was also one guy's last time probably, due to surgery next week. his girlfriend posted a myspace bulletin asking people to pray for him. all that praying that he wouldn't have to have surgery really helped, so this probably will too. behold, the (lack of) power of prayer. how about i'll just be a good friend and visit him, entertain him, and help in any way i can. i'll settle for that.

i learned that laura and i play a mean tambourine, as long as she isnt stepping on the microphone cord. gregg with 3 g's was back.

last night i had this dream that it was august, but there was like a foot of snow outside. then, people were stealing all these cars from my driveway, so i called 911. no one ever came. but then it turned out to be a big prank my father played on us all. wow, those $1 drafts give me weird dreams.

today has been kind of brutal. it's been long, and my head hurts. i'm very tired. boo hangover wednesday, boo. why cant you be more like tuesday night?

UPDATE: thanks to julie, here are 2 pics from last night. the first is laura and me sporting the tambourine, and the other is me and the bass player. he tried to get me to play bass. oh what a disaster that would've been. i'm pretty sure i was singing though.


At 7/26/2006 4:02 PM, Blogger law monkey said...

they had mojitos there? i'm jealous, ohhhhh am i jealous. do you realize that NO ONE has mojitos here? NO ONE! and yet, i was able to get mojitos in CHINA! ridiculous. this place is truly backward.

At 7/26/2006 6:12 PM, Blogger d$ said...

blogrolling hates me

At 7/26/2006 8:22 PM, Blogger sadielady said...

hey, you deleted a perfectly good tom cruise joke. (thank goodness for bloglines.)


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