fucking motivational monday
hey everyone, sorry (not at all actually) i'm late with this week's mm, but it seems as though my fucking piece of shit dell computer would not start, so that was the reason for the delay. i've complained about the blue screen before. well today, i would've loved a blue screen. i would've fucking made out with it. but no. just blackness. so naturally i called those fucks at dell again. well the first lady was trying to get me to take the hard drive out to examine it. i initially refused, saying i thought it would take me off the warranty. she assured me it would not, but it was all moot cuz i didnt have the right size screwdriver (but i mean, law offices are usually known for their huge supply of tools). so then when i got the right size and called back, this other indian woman i could barely understand ran me thru some test, and now it's at least temporarily working. probably long enough for my warranty to run (it's thru this month) then it'll fuck up. but that's ok, i wont take it easy on them if it does.
so in short, here's your fucking motivational monday. it's gonna take a lot more than a fucking picture to do it for me today...