Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

our racist country

why is it that if you go someplace and order a "regular coffee" you usually get cream and sugar? regular means customary or usual. and if you say "regular coffee," then regular is modifying the word coffee. and i'm pretty sure coffee, in its natural state, does not have cream and sugar in it. granted, perhaps the most popular way to drink coffee includes cream and sugar. well, if that's what people want, they should have to say that. stop being counterintuitive!


At 3/15/2006 7:22 PM, Blogger law monkey said...

sorry dicta, i'm going to have to agree with the majority here. you're an outlier in the statistical study of what constitutes "regular coffee." if you want black coffee, say black coffee (it's not racist, i don't think).

At 3/15/2006 8:18 PM, Blogger josh said...

what's racist is calling the whiter coffee regular when there's nothing regular about cream and sugar in coffee. they must be added.

besides, are you really sure you want to associate yourself with the majority?

At 3/16/2006 10:08 AM, Blogger JLee said...

man, you post all the good stuff when I'm gone and all I get is one about damn coffee??! you're fired!*

*insert bad Donald Trump imitation of your choice

At 3/16/2006 10:14 AM, Blogger Brancibeer said...

Yeah, coffee was like so yesterday. Why dont you and girlfriend get into a fight or something. That way there might actually be something interesting to read on your respective blogs.

Ha ha.

At 3/16/2006 10:38 AM, Blogger law monkey said...

i know, i don't normally conform, but in this case, i'm going to have to make an exception.

there's everything regular about adding milk and sugar to coffee. that's what americans do.

black coffee, on the other hand, is not the norm. you, my friend, are irregular (in more ways than one). not that i can talk.

btw, our PR prof misses you. where are you?? how could you leave me to suffer here without entertainment?!!! damn you!!!


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