Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

supermarket sweep

it's been a while since i've had any notable grocery store anecdotes (in fact, it's debatable whether this one is as well). it's not that people here are normal, it's that i try to get in and out quickly (that's what she said) and basically ignore everyone.

there was a young couple with 2 kids in front of me in the checkout line. their total came to $104, except that the guy withheld some type of prescription medicine and a bulk package of toilet paper. after paying the $104, the couple tried to pay for the prescription and the tp with what i just assumed was a credit card. i thought this was pretty annoying because, what the fuck, just buy all your groceries together like normal people, particularly when there are 3 more people/groups behind you. but then the checkout woman told them there was only a balance of $2.95 on the card. a debit card perhaps. then the couple has her call the manager over. the manager tells the couple that she thinks they can only use that card at pharmacies. the woman disagreed, but just paid cash and left.

while all of this was unfolding in front of me, the guy behind me sighed, "ugh, welfare. just get a job." now i dont know if his comment was incited by the ridiculousness of the checkout decisions or by the fact that the young couple in front of us happened to be black.

the guy then turned to me and said, "i work 6 days a week. i'm 50 years old, have 2 harleys in my garage, have a house here, and a house in vegas. it's amazing what you can accumulate when you just work."

i completely agree with his point that working is important, and that it's important to provide for yourself and work hard to earn things. i disagree with the assumption that the couple doesnt work if it was based on the fact that they're young, black, and have 2 kids. if it was based upon the attempted method of payment, perhaps it has more legitimacy.

either way, it got me thinking. i'd love to be able to afford 2 homes and 2 bikes when i'm 50 (especially that home in vegas). being that guy might not be so bad, except for the possible racist part.

"have a nice day" the checkout girl said. it snapped me out of my thoughts, and i suddenly remembered why i dont talk to anyone at the grocery store.


At 10/13/2008 3:22 PM, Blogger Greg said...

He may have said that because I believe that food stamps are now placed on cards resembling credit/debit cards. Either way, though, that guy is super racist. And possibly a hardcore prostitute fiend due to the home in Vegas.

See, stereotyping is fun!

At 10/14/2008 5:49 PM, Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord said...

yeah, that method of payment was food stamps, its just a credit card now, and they can't pay for prescriptions on it, thats an old trick, people seem to think food stamps pay for anything they want so they try to buy anything they can with a food stamp card.

what gets me is that the food bill was over 100$ and they tried to buy 5$ worth of stuff on food stamps. people at the country market used to buy what they could with the food stamps, only to blow their actual cash on a carton of smokes. i guess smoking isn't something they check for when they think you're broke.

the only people to talk to at a grocery store are the ripping hot chicks, but they usually don't want to talk back, ahh....

i think the guy behind you is doing all right, thats a nice accomplishment at age 50.

At 10/15/2008 9:53 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

I heart matt.

At 10/28/2008 8:49 PM, Blogger Damon said...

Well I wouldn't want to be that guy, I'd sell one house and both bikes, and stop working so damn much.


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