st. elmo's flier
some say imitation is the highest form of flattery. others say it's copulation. perhaps i'll discuss the latter group at some point, but i'm posting today to talk about the former. as you all know, i regularly channel my hysterical antics into poster form every monday, in order to lighten the mood and kick the week off right for both myself and my readers. one inevitability of this, however, is that at some time there is bound to be at least one uncreative, unoriginal, and overzealous reader who passes my work off as their own (or at least posts it without credit).
now, perhaps our overeager zealot didnt realize that i create the posters. but to me it just seems like proper blog ettiquite to give some credit when you take something from another blog. and if you disagree, you can shut the hell up until you make something creative (note: it's also proper ettiquite to tell people to shut the hell up as you deem necessary).
and i say this solely for the good of the charlatans who rip others off. i am not trying to, nor am i under any delusion that i will, become well-known thru my blog or my motivational monday posts. but people are going to be really disappointed when the day comes that you're stranded out there on your own without the support system of the internet and your true, boring colors shine thru. and why shouldnt they be? for shame, they thought they knew you.
ultimately, anyone who wants should feel free to copy any of my work. i do not mind. however, and this is a preemptive disclaimer of sorts, you cannot complain when i link to you and then make fun of you. especially if your blog is lame. and you are clearly at least middle aged, yet call yourself a girl. and spell it "gurl" no less. no matter how much you want to feel younger, i dont think you need to resort to flagrant and childish spelling errors. if you really want to feel younger you should just not look in the mirror for a few days. and just be yourself! your lame, plagarizing self. hope this helps!
originally witty and yours,