Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Friday, February 24, 2006

know what really chaps my ass?

here's a clue: it's not the fact that i spent my life savings turning my van into a dog, even if the alarm alone did cost me $200.

i've held my tongue for a long time, and though i dont want this blog to be political, i have to say this. when it gets to the point where you're getting all irate over cartoons, well then you are nothing more than a child.

word on the street is i make fun of catholic priests a lot. well, i dont discriminate. i know discussions of islam can be like walking on egg shells, cuz the extremists dont represent the normal islamic population. but this is getting ridiculous. at what point did "sensitivity" towards other religions, cultures, etc become having to put up with moronic shit? if you get offended by a cartoon, then i'm probably more mature than you are. and that says a lot, cuz a little known fact is that i once enrolled in suicide bombing school. but alas, i failed out, and so i am here to write this blog. evidently, it was a "problem" that i drove my plane drunk. i still dont see the problem, i mean, its not like my mission was to not hit stuff.

fuck it, i cant be serious/non-patronizing on this thing. before this blog is over, i will have offended everyone. and let's face it, that's basically a public service today. people are on the lookout for things they can get all irate about. well, look no further.


At 2/24/2006 1:42 PM, Blogger JLee said...

you haven't offended me.....yet
I thought this post was going to be about assless chaps...dammit! (which is redundant, I know..chaps ARE assless,but anyway)

At 2/24/2006 2:54 PM, Blogger josh said...

well i didnt mean i'd offend you with just this post...just sometime throughout the course of the blog

At 2/24/2006 7:32 PM, Blogger josh said...

no no, its not that i'm trying not to offend anyone, it's that i probably havent with this post. if i havent offended everyone in some way with this blog, then i'm not doing my job.

At 2/25/2006 11:53 AM, Blogger law monkey said...

i agree that the outrage over the cartoon has gone a bit too far. but from their perspective (muslims, that is), the problem isn't just that they're portrayed as terrorists, but rather, that the cartoonist had the nerve to depict muhammad - something that may not be done, under any circumstances, in the muslim religion. no pictures or representations of any kind are to be made of muhammad.

of course, to non-muslims, it probably doesn't matter very much whether we depict muhammad or a mule - it's all one and the same.

on the other hand, perhaps some room should be left for religious tolerance, or at the very least, common sense. it's reasonable to expect a lot of people to get pissed off at you for comitting the equivalent of sacrilege.

then again, perhaps they need to recognize that not every shares their beliefs, superstitions, etc.

have some fun with this:

At 2/25/2006 12:22 PM, Blogger josh said...

ok but its a picture...tolerance is all fun and good, but there's a point where it reaches ridiculousness. sometimes you need to step back and re-examine your cult--err, religion.

At 2/25/2006 12:23 PM, Blogger josh said...

also, there are reasonable reactions, and unreasonable ones

At 2/25/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger law monkey said...

absolutely. hence my statement: perhaps they need to recognize that not everyone agrees with their views. certainly, bombing the shiz out of people never won over the hearts of the masses.

i don't know if i'd necessarily tell them to reexamine their culture/religion. they can believe what they want, as long as they don't insist that everyone else agree with their views.

personally, it seems like what we've got here is a dog feeling cornered, and the only defense mechanism it knows is to attack and generally act on the offense (this wouldn't apply to all muslims, just the crazy ones who feel compelled to light stuff - and people - and themselves - on fire).

i'd probably want to know why they feel cornered. perhaps american capitalism has stepped on one too many toes? (entirely possible). in any case, they should take a page from gandhi's book, and start spinning their own khadi cloth on the charkha. who knows, they might feel more at peace, if not with themselves or the world, then with their yarn.

and besides, who doesn't enjoy a new, homespun turban or burkha every now and again?


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