Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

a just dessert

this just makes me feel awesome, especially after my rant about it last week. normally an avid american idol hater, i dont mind one bit that that's what people are watching. hey, no one's forcing me to watch it, and i'm certainly not.

also, this, while not entirely on topic, reminds me of something i heard recently at a comedy show (mike birbiglia, greg giraldo, and kyle grooms--hilarious show). greg giraldo said people need to stop blaming mcdonalds for being fat. its your fault if you eat it everyday. he advocates treating mcdonalds as if it were your wife's vagina--with respect, and only eat it on vacations.

finally, for those of you who have never taken my threats seriously, if i say i will cut you, i will cut you. my proof? i cut myself last night. granted, it was in the preparation of dinner, but still. don't fuck with me.


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