ISO sw pussy
this is one of the more ridiculous things i've come across lately (thanks ctnow). online dating is one thing, but online dating thru your pets is totally different. when did we get too lazy to take our pets to the park for a walk to attract the opposite sex? we need to do this online now?
and just because someone likes my pet, why would they like me? i've never met anyone who doesnt like santos, but i could probably make more than a short list of people who dont like me. am i supposedly a sensitive, loving, affectionate, responsible adult just cuz i have a pet? i dont know, you'd have to ask my girlfriend about that one.
of course, the site does leave you the option of simply finding your pet a date (poor, neutered santos). needless to say, i will not be signing santos up for that. he's way too good for any pets listed on that thing. but i found it good for a laugh, so i figured i'd pass it on.
on a completely different topic, some of these female speedskaters are kinda scary. they were saying that one is in her last olympics, and just got engaged and is looking forward to the rest of her life. who is the brave man that will marry her? i'll tell you what, i'm not dating/marrying any woman who could kill me if my head was between her thighs.