two turntables and a microphone
things are at a good place. with the exception of finals, which are looming over me like a priest over an altar boy (i couldnt resist), i'm very pleased with how my life is going right now. in general i like law, and am excited to work. i have great friends, and a great family.
a(n) (optimus) prime example is last night. i bullshitted with two friends from undergrad for about 4.5 hours. we talked about everything from milfs to future plans to glory days part 2 (undergrad stories, part 1 being high school). and it was awesome.
but it also got me thinking how funny stuff works out sometimes. for example, i was friendly with these two during undergrad for sure, but we mainly just partied together. we didnt hang out all that much. but now i talk to them consistently and there are plans in the works for the upcoming months. and i wouldnt have it any other way. we have the same interests and senses of humor, and like a lot of the same stuff. one of them does like the yankees, which admittedly is a major fault, but i guess i can overlook that except for 19 days between april and october (not counting postseason). nobody's perfect. except me, of course.
on a side note, i love the dr. pepper commercial i just saw. not only does it play meatloaf in the background, but the guy buys tampons, does yoga, and folds panties. but dont touch his dr. pepper. classic.
i cant say i'm digging this weather lately. it doesnt know if it wants to be 70, or snow. does it want me to keep wearing my man thongs, or long johns? i can't tell!
well, i think i can safely say i have procrastinated long enough. i slept late, at lunch, watched a little home alone, and now i'm blogging. i desperately need to get some stuff done. anything i do this weekend makes thanksgiving that much easier. and i fully intend on enjoying family, friends and food next week. things are very busy, but they're going well.
and that's where it's at.