Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

vomit inducing

aren't there public interest/civil rights groups that could make a big deal about this since the teacher can't afford to? what good are these groups if they don't take up something like this, anyway?

what does it mean when high school students are more tolerant and mature than adults? is it the apocalypse? maybe it just means the adults are out of touch, stubborn, and wrongfully stuck in their ways? was jesus this closed-minded?

yeah, let's outsource jobs to india, china, and mexico. because it works so well with customer service. and let's make food there too. food is ok, just don't drink the water.

i don't know who's more retarded: richard gere or india

this is just sad.

there's a saying that no news is good news. this might be true, i don't know. but i do know it would never happen because then giants like cnn and fox news would be out of business. so instead they just feed us shit that's not really news. i try to keep up in the hopes that maybe i'll learn something important that's going on today, but i never do. it sucks.


At 4/29/2007 6:33 PM, Blogger IsmaelTapiaII said...

In the same order as in your post:

Seriously--someone should bring that principal and his adminstration down. There are constitutional issues all over that shiznit.

It means that adults are intolerant idiots and children, while still idiotic, are at least idiotic in different ways.

Hmm... Hershey's...


Yeah, it is.

At 4/30/2007 12:14 AM, Blogger Holmes said...

Thing is, that girl at the Catholic school probably will attend a really good college as she is likely very well-prepared. That was the trade off for her attending a conservative school like that. Yes, you can be gay more freely at a public school, but then you can't read.

At 4/30/2007 1:36 AM, Blogger josh said...

there's more to education than reading. just ask our president.

At 4/30/2007 11:37 AM, Blogger Holmes said...

I don't know what that means, but yes, there is more to education than reading- math and science as well. Good point. That a teenager cannot fully express her sexual identity for another year or two seems like such small beer. We probably need less sexual identity exploration and more studying of text books in high school. But if we're trying to erase gender lines, I would vote for unisex uniforms in public schools. Perhaps that is a nice compromise.

At 4/30/2007 12:14 PM, Blogger josh said...

beer me


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