Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

and i laugh all the way to hell, saying yes this is a fine promotion

it had to be done, so i stepped up and did it. i left a note on mary's door telling her that she needs to keep her cats inside or else animal control would be called. besides being a general hassle when i take santos outside (hissing at him, and/or distracting him so he doesn't get his shit done, literally), they attract other stray cats and some dogs into the area, who then shit in our yard and it never gets cleaned up. and my neighbor paul has told me that the cats also will jump on the cars and leave paw prints. this hasn't happened to my car yet, but this is no longer the 7 year old corolla--i'm not willing to wait around until it happens.

the only thing that i didn't do that i maybe should have was sign the note. but i didn't do this for at least 2 reasons: 1) i pretty much speak for all of our neighbors, at least on our side of the building, who all hate the cats and wish they didn't exist, and 2) selfishly, i am out of this horrid place in 2 weeks now and i really just don't want to ever have another interaction with disgustingly gross mary for the rest of my life. i used to occasionally be pleasant and say hi, but after she went into (lazy/gross/smelly) bitch mode, i just ignore her when i walk right past, and if she says hi i just kind of mumble something. even i'm not sure what.

anyway, even though it's unsigned i hope she doesn't think it's a joke, because i will call animal control. cats are so worthless.


At 4/29/2007 5:08 PM, Blogger Damon said...

Cats, like dogs, can be awesome or shitty depending on how they are raised and treated.


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