the super happy fun thanksgiving hour
as promised, my thanksgiving post. turkey week was awesome. just awesome. it started on thursday, a full week before thanksgiving, with dominique coming to my apartment here at school a day early, surprising me. she's so sneaky that i dont think i could get her with chloroform if i wanted to...not that i have to. anyway.
that saturday, we drove down to the dirty south (maryland - observe the mason-dixon line bitches) and saw ben folds in concert at a college. a lot of the students had horrendous body odor, but otherwise the show was absolutely excellent. it opened with this guy corn mo, who resembled a cross between meatloaf and an 80s hair band member. he played an accordian and sang songs about lollipops and middle school relationships. after 3 songs he had the crowd. but after that it just went downhill. he played for far too long. he did start off strong though, and i guess that's something to be admired. but then came the main act.

and it.was.AWESOME. this was definitely one of the best shows i've ever seen. besides the fact that ben is the sixth most awesome person in the world, he just puts on an amazing show. he sounds great live, and he played a range of songs from every one of his albums. it was so great to hear songs from whatever and ever amen live right after something from songs for silverman. plus the venue was small, so we were close to the stage.
because i hadnt missed one class all semester, another was cancelled, one turned into a review, and one just sucks, we headed back to my parents' house on monday, earlier than we had originally anticipated. we just relaxed, played some games, saw a movie, and had some great food. some friends came over and we played poker. friday night we went to dinner with laura, and people had arranged a big group to go to a bar, so i got to see many of my good friends, and some others who i hadn't seen in a long time. so that was awesome too.
we headed back to shitty ass pennsylvania on saturday because dominique had to drive back to her school on sunday. we just hung out and watched a movie and relaxed...the perfect end to a great week and a half. that one definitely ranked up there as one of the great thanksgivings ever.