Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

july july

this is not the story of the road that meets the road that goes to my house.

but let's face it: the future is unknown, and the unknown is exciting. this is my official announcement...i will not be taking the bar in july 2007. i might take it in 2008.

with so many things out there, why practice law? i've done law school, i've worked for a firm...lame. the work is boring, the company worse. not interested. no thank you.

what will i do? some things are as of yet undecided, while others are certain. but i can go anywhere and do anything i want. and i will. freedom is power. i love power.


At 11/10/2006 12:39 PM, Blogger josh said...

it's funny, but you're right. whenever i mention to someone i'm not taking the bar or practicing law, i can actually see their discomfort. it's amazing (and pretty awesome). but in a way i feel bad for them because they're not even practicing yet and they're already bummed about the prospects. why do that to yourself?

At 11/10/2006 3:38 PM, Blogger LawNut said...

While of course I respect your decision and don't intend to undermine it in any way, I must ask, why did you go to law school in the first place? Was it because you thought you wanted to do this and once you got here you realized that you didn't? Or did you just not know what you wanted to do and decided that law school was as good an option as any? I'm just curious because I just can't imagine enduring this torture only to finish and say that I don't want to do what I came here to do in the first place.

At 11/11/2006 11:10 PM, Blogger sadielady said...

Plus, it's not like you take one bar exam and are set to practice law no matter where you go; you also have to factor in the "where do I want to live" thing. So if you do take a bar exam the summer after law school, won't you potentially feel just as obligated to stay in that state, whether you like that state or not, as a lot of law students feel to take a bar exam right after graduation just for the sake of taking/passing a bar exam? But if you take it, then move somewhere else, it really puts you in no better a position, because to practice law in that new state you'll probably have to take that state's bar exam. I don't know what all this stuff I'm saying means, except that there are lots of factors, and if you for some reason decide in a year or two that you do want to become a member of the bar wherever you're living, you can still take a bar exam; you don't have to do it right away anyway. But if you take one now, then move next year or the year after, then have to take one again just b/c you're in a new state, wouldn't that suck...


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