objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are
well, dominique and i are back from our trip. it was a blast. the city wasn't exactly what we were hoping for, but there was some nice touristy stuff to do there. naturally, the tourist areas were the nicest parts of the city. the rest was mostly a gigantic orgy of urban sprawl. but i suppose there's no reason not to sprawl when you're in the middle of the desert.
we had saturday all to ourselves (no travelling, interviews, etc) so we drove to another desert city and checked that out as well. also touristy. but on the way back we took an exit in the middle of the desert, drove for a half hour or so, and found the rock monument. there were hiking trails, so we hiked and climbed the rocks and did all sorts of fun shit there. it was awesome.
here are some pictures from the trip. the 4th pic is the cave from which the 5th pic was taken. so awesome.