Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

easter is back

some things are just plain fucking stupid. one of those things is weis market.

dominique and i decided to cook a hearty beef stew tonight, to be served out of bread bowls. since i dont have an extra 4lbs of beef lying around the house, we had to go to the store. so, after a lovely lunch, we stop by giant to get some food. they're closed. now, i think its fucking stupid when stores, even if privately owned/not affiliated with the government, close for huge holidays. cuz jews, muslims, and other non-christians dont eat right? of course. i understand they can do whatever they want, and maybe employees would ask for the days off and shit, but please, if you run a fucking supermarket, just be open. especially on a fucking sunday. even on non-holiday sundays the supermarkets are packed cuz people need to shop for the week.

and it doesnt even make sense to have easter on a sunday. why is easter a floating holiday? we know so much about jesus, how do we not know what day he rose from the dead? jesus is a bigger flip-flopper than kerry. did you rise in march, or april? get it straight! our country wants answers! plus, didnt god rest on the seventh day? since everyone knows sunday is the first day of the week, then the seventh is saturday. so open your fucking store on sunday.

but even worse than giant is the weis market. now, weis was actually open today, so i bet you're wondering how that can be worse than giant. well, besides the fact that weis is dirty and sketchy, they arbitrarily decided to close at 3pm. also, we got there at 3pm. there were still people in the store, and people coming out of the store. the parking lot was full, or as full as the weis one gets. as we're walking in, some old motherfucker tells us they're closed. bullshit.

so, we're getting back into the car to go over to walmart, and as i'm sitting down then turning to open the passengers door, my fucking back goes out. cuz i needed the injury to go with the insult of not being able to shop at the shittiest store in town.

i will ask this one last time: dear old lady on crutches whose dog i saved - you seem to know a lot about karma, and claimed that i would have lots of fantastic karma, so answer me this: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GOOD KARMA BITCH?!


At 4/16/2006 7:47 PM, Blogger law monkey said...

that's what you get for eating meat, dicta. you can't expect good things to come to you when you engage in nonsense activities like buying/eating meat. come on now.

sorry to hear about your back. so how did dinner turn out?

At 4/17/2006 10:03 AM, Blogger Brancibeer said...

I was going to post something similiar, but decided against it. For some reason i knew you would be on top of all the stores being closed for Easter. I had the same problem. Sunday was a regular day for me, so i set out to do my regular errands. Wrong! Everything and i mean everything was closed. Fucking Bible belt. Walmart was even closed. Walmart! Walmart does not close!!

At 4/17/2006 12:46 PM, Blogger josh said...

wow, i cant believe walmart was closed too. at least ours was open. we're not exactly bible belt, but not too far off either.

i mean, imagine if everyone did stuff like this for their holidays. isnt that why we have labor day?

At 4/17/2006 3:26 PM, Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord said...

would it be possible to bepart of enough religions that you would get every day off? dictas got the big two covered, what if you were like 1/4 muslim and a dash of hindu? it would be concevible that you'd only work like once a week, every other day would be some kind of religous holiday.


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