Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Friday, September 21, 2007

they must be joking

i went to the interview i had rescheduled for yesterday. the job seemed ok based on the tasks i would perform as compared to the experience that i wanted and all. it would include some irregular hours, but i figured this would be ok since it was at least in the right area, plus sometimes dominique picks up a saturday shift and takes a couple night classes, so i figured it could largely overlap with that stuff.

then came some disappointment--they could only offer me part time right now, which would be between 12 and 30 hours per week. i figured this would be ok for experience, especially if it was closer to the 30. but that wasn't even the big blow. the pay: $7.50/hr. i looked at her like she was joking, because i half expected that she was. i laughed, and she could sense my disbelief (minimum wage where i live is now $7.40).

so now i have to decide what to do. i told her i'd give her an answer by next friday. she winced when i said that and warned me that she can't hold the job for me if someone else comes along. ooooooh, ohhh no!! the job has been open for 3 weeks and they havent filled it, and at a dime above minimum wage i doubt they will anytime soon. luckily, i have a second interview somewhere else on monday. and i'm waiting on a call from a recruiter at a third place. so this offer (if you can even call it that) is last last last resort, and might not even be accepted as such. i could make more money at the casino, or selling lemonade on the sidewalk. fuck that.


also, i'm just posting this quickly because i'm sick of seeing the exact same articles about it on every single day. i don't know why people in the deep south still pretend that racism isn't very prevalent there, because it is. maybe more would be accomplished by action than is by denial. things like education. then again, they don't like them book things very much. if you don't believe me, check out louisiana's profile. or this. i don't put a ton of confidence in the exact numbers, but the relativity is at least interesting.


At 9/23/2007 12:01 AM, Blogger Holmes said...

Don't take the job. Sounds shitty. If they pay that little, the work couldn't be that relevant really.

Racism prevalent? I don't know that it's prevalent, as in it's the prevailing viewpoint, but it certainly exists. Hardly anyone can deny that. The Jena incident(s) are pretty incredible. Though a lot of it is being misreported from what I understand. The black kids assaulting the white kid were apparently completely unconnected to the noose incident (what a strange sentence to type in 2007), but the protesters don't seem to care. And may I add there aren't many bigger racists out there than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. There are definitely a lot of unjust sentences being handed out all over the place and that alone is worth protesting. I'm just not sure, though I could be convinced otherwise, that it was racially motivated here. The lack of accurate press reporting makes it difficult to come to any conclusions.

Anyway, cheers to Democrat-dominated Louisiana!

At 9/23/2007 11:54 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

That is the most comprehensive writing on the Jena story that I have seen. Can't believe none of you other honkeys are chiming in on this one.

At 9/24/2007 9:47 AM, Blogger josh said...

interesting article. i agree that there's so much going on here that it's hard to make sense of it all. it's difficult to narrow motives down to one specific thing, like race.


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