of rings, vaginas, and pancakes
i just dont get this. how does it work and why would any woman in her right mind want to stick a ring in her vagina? how does it not fall off and how is it not uncomfortable? in the commercial i saw the main point of emphasis was that it's a method you only have to change once a month. well, let me tell you, if you're sexually active and you can't remember to take a pill everyday to prevent babies in your tummy, then you should be taking it in the butt instead. it's sexual and violent.
in other news, my break is quite fantastic and posting will be sporadic at best until classes resume and i'm back in that shithole of a state. you'd be able to tell when i post if blogroll was working, but alas, that piece of shit is broken about 90% of the time anyway.
ok, time to go make some pancakes and love.