saturday morning fever
after going grocery shopping at giant on a saturday morning, i will never again complain about going on sundays. ok, i just lied to you. if you really thought i'd quit complaining about giant then you're either new to this blog or you're an idiot. but i digress.
giant is vacant on sundays when compared to saturdays. but i'm in a great mood today, so it didn't even bother me. i just found it amusing. my day started out perfectly, so i just shook it off. it's better that way.
of course the register i went to was the new employee. the woman in front of me spent like $322 and had 2 FULL carts...and that was my best option as far as lines go. but it was kind of funny because the register lady didnt know all the vegetable codes because she was new, and the customer said, "you dont really know your veggies, huh?" it was funny because this was before we knew she was a new hire, but moreso because she was fat. i dont think the customer realized how that might be interpreted.
in other news, i've had 3 finals in the last 2 days, and 4 in total last week. i still have a take home and 1 more in class next week. today will include some relaxation. but also cleaning, and maybe reading over the take home. ok this is just turning into my list of things to do, so i'm going to go play xbox now. peace.