Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

more proof

i've said it before, and i'll say it again, pennsylvania is the most backwoods, hickish, redneck, dysfunctional place ever.

i absolutely, 200% shit you not. today dominique and i went to the movies to see talladega nights. we walked into the theater to buy our tickets, and who else was behind the counter except a bearded woman. i swear to the fucking god i dont believe in. it was a woman, and she had a beard. for real. holy shit was it disgusting. i almost vomited up the sandwich i had for lunch. her beard was as thick as mine, except it was just on her chin and neck.

please excuse me while i go think of pennsylvania to induce vomit.


At 8/26/2006 6:00 PM, Blogger Handy Man said...

Oh My God I did that this weekend and the bitch had a gouarder and a beard ......freak me out she had better facial hair than I did...

At 8/27/2006 7:53 AM, Blogger Elle Woods said...

You should have seen the chick in front of me to get her eyebrows waxed. She was a sasquatch.


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