Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

tart cart

i went to giant today, so clearly i have to post. what is the deal with these little retarded shopping carts?
i mean honestly. did navigating a regular shopping cart suddenly become too difficult for useless americans? are we that fat and retarded these days?

actually, i think it has to do with something different altogether. well, not altogether. i think these tard carts were invented as a scheme by supermarkets. think about it. many people, despite being fat already, are conscious about their weight, of course only when they are in the supermarket. once they get home with the food all bets are off. so to them, if you fill up the small retard cart, well thats ok, its the small cart. its still not that much, right? otherwise, not wanting to fill up a regular size cart they might just pick up a little basket and not buy as much. this is unacceptable to the supermarket. so, they introduce the mid-sized tart cart for those who want to buy all their fatty foods without feeling fat. everybody wins, especially the supermarket.


At 5/03/2006 2:44 PM, Blogger sadielady said...

the only people i ever see using those little carts are little old ladies, who put their little old lady purses inside the top basket, and then buy about 3 things in the store, all of which are little, but none of which they can carry by themselves.

At 5/03/2006 3:29 PM, Blogger Damon said...

After shopping with a hand basket for the last 9 months (I can only buy what I can carry home on my back,) I was thinking about the normal carts and was wondering why they were so deep. How could you fill them without crushing the bottom layer? So the cart in the picture looks like an improvement to me. I haven't the slighest what it would have to do with fat or disabled people.

At 5/03/2006 6:59 PM, Blogger Elle Woods said...

I like the carts for other people to use. I can't stand it when some moron is leaning to look at something on the shelf and they leave their cart trailing behind them blocking virtually the entire aisle, it makes me want to play "bumper carts" way too badly. This way they can still act like a jerk off and I'm not forced to walk around or injury them or their property.

At 5/03/2006 7:33 PM, Blogger josh said...

i'd rather injure them AND their property

At 5/04/2006 11:43 AM, Blogger JLee said...

I like the "hoverround" type carts where you don't have to walk.


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