Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the state of the union

in a word: fucked

today i got a haircut on my lunch break. two of the hairdressers at the place were talking about the election and campaigning. they thought obama's name was osama. they truly and honestly did not know his name, much less a damn thing about any of the issues or what anyone stands for. i bet they could tell you he's black and that hillary has a penis.

we are all fuckity fuck fucked. welcome to america, where people are ignorant assholes, but at least they give enough of a shit to talk about stuff without any knowledge basis?


At 5/01/2008 3:52 PM, Blogger Damon said...

Did you enlighten them? I wouldn't read too much into this encounter. Although I don't have much faith in people, I don't think I've ever much a hairdressers that was especially bright.

At 5/01/2008 5:54 PM, Blogger josh said...

oh me either, but i dont think the common american is especially bright either. i fear this is a little too representative of americans these days.

At 5/01/2008 6:39 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

This is why we should institute income tests for voting. Property doesn't make sense anymore because everything is bought on credit (hooray housing crisis!), but income- for the most part, you have to deserve it or at least be a functioning individual. I'll start the cutoff at $45,000 per year.

At 5/02/2008 6:34 AM, Blogger Damon said...

Wow and I can't even get away with talking about a current events test for voting.

At 5/02/2008 2:51 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

The problem of course,will be that people will scream "racism" as an income test would adversely affect minority groups. Except of course for those pesky Asians and Jews who earn much higher than the median white income (wonder if there is any correllation there to the success of the nuclear family; nah, couldn't be), but don't fit properly into the narrative of white oppression, so we can leave them off the victim/affirmative action list. Just like Males in the Nursing and Teaching fields. Where was I? Oh yes,in summary an income test for voting, while not as democratic, is good.

At 5/02/2008 4:11 PM, Blogger Damon said...

Well it probably wouldn't make any difference, since rich people/corporations run the country anyway.

At 5/02/2008 9:09 PM, Blogger Holmes said...

Yeah man. Rage against the machine. It's total hell here.


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