dicta does deliverance
we all know i'm pretty much the most awesome person out there. now, i dont like to mention it on the blog that much because there's no point in making everyone else feel down about themselves, but when i save lives it's ok.
i was walking to my car after class today, when i saw a little puppy chasing a kid up the sidewalk in front of me. at first i didnt think anything of it, other than that's a cute puppy. i dont know what kind he was since i'm horrible at remembering breeds, but i guess he kinda looked like this, except his face wasnt black, and he was tan in color.
but then i saw this old lady on crutches come down her driveway, whistling to try and get the dog's attention while he stood on the curb sniffing at car tires and the like. the dog was oblivious. as i kept walking towards him (and my car), he was making his way further and further from home and closer to the street. when i got to my car, i got down and called him over. he came over right away to investigate me. i picked him up and carried him back into his yard for the old lady. she kept thanking me and told me that my level of good karma had just risen astronomically.
dicta saves lives. you heard it here first.
UPDATE on why karma is complete bullshit (other than the obvious reason that the notion that one action you take might have a positive or negative impact on a future, independent, unconnected event is ridiculous): i was just walking thru my kitchen/bathroom area and stepped on the most ridiculously painful splinter. it should probably be noted that the tile in the kitchen/bathroom is fake plastic-y tile, not quite splinter-laden. if that's good karma, then it's time to even things out by pushing someone in front of a bus.