today before my last class i stopped by the law school cafe to see how the pet photo contest was going. santos was by far the best looking pet up there, but my biggest fears were confirmed: the students' names are posted along with the pets' names. there is even one picture of two kids holding a stuffed dog, and they allowed that to be entered. this could easily blow up into a popularity contest. in fact, i would argue posting the pic of the stuffed animal is just that. to put money into that cup is to say "hey that's hilarious" or "i know/like that kid." this would hurt santos' chances though, as 1) i transferred here so i dont have that "first year shared experience" bond with anyone here (though i do still have it with friends at my old school), and 2) lots of law students are douchebags anyway, and why would i want to be popular amongst douchebags?
and i know, the money is for charity. but i dont give money to charity, or organizations that claim to be charities. is my money going to food and housing for the people who need it, or am i paying some chairperson's salary who will use my money to buy a hooker on his "business trip" to new orleans? i'm not going to risk it to find out.
you dont give to charity, you do charity.