Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


it seems as though my first effort at getting a bet failed, so does anyone want to chip in a few bucks so i can sign my friend debbie up for a 1 year subscription to nambla? anyone? anyone?

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At 11/21/2007 5:10 PM, Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord said...

i'd throw down for that. the website alone provides thousnads of hours of quality material for any comedian i've ever seen. i can't imagine what they would consider worthy enough to publish and send to people. i also noticed that there are no names on the site. none. no authors of articals or anything. plus all the pics are from the 70's. what, no man/boy love in the last three decades?


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