our neighbor the coke whore
we have 6 undergrads living in a 2-floor apartment above us. parking can get annoying, but largely it's not a huge inconvenience. most of the girls are pretty friendly when you see them, but 1 is incredibly stupid (not that all of the others are brilliant) and 1 seems to be a huge whore.
last night i heard a car pull into our driveway right after i pulled our cars in off the street. i looked out the window to see who it was because if they were staying i'd offer to let her put her car behind ours so we wouldn't have to call to get her to move the car in the morning. but one look out the window made it obvious that they were just stopping home to get something then leave again.
in the car were a nice one, the stupid one, the whore, and 3 of the sketchiest guys i've ever seen. most of their friends are sketchy, but i'm talking unbuttoned shirt with wifebeater, headband, gold chain, askew baseball hat trashy. now you might be thinking, "hey dicta you really shouldn't judge people based solely on looks or clothing because i look/dress like an asshole/slut/douchebag but i'm really awesome." well, stop underestimating my ability to judge people.
just as i'm about to turn back and go to bed, i see one of the guys and the whore whip out a piece of cardboard and proceed to snort a few lines of coke off it (lest you think i exaggerated in my title). now i really don't care what they do with their personal lives, but i'm just saying that if she happened to overdose our parking situation would be 7% better.