teach your children
or in my case, dog. today, baby s made me proud.
this afternoon, after i got back from golfing, where i repeatedly washed my balls, i fed santos and let him outside thru the sliding door in our living room. well, all of a sudden he looks to the backyard and takes off. i mean dead sprint. so my dad looks out back and there's a deer in our yard, and santos is now chasing it. well, he chases it around the backyard, then the deer runs and jumps up onto our deck and looks like he's about to just run through our glass door. he turns at the last minute and jumps off the deck, santos hot on his tail. and i mean hot. santos was within inches of touching this deer. then santos chased it halfway down the front hill before we called him back.
it was awesome. baby s knows better than to like deer. he will chase you deer! and then, i will punch you in the face! fuck you deer!