Confessions of a Litigious Mind

The random, irrelevant musings of a law school graduate.

Friday, March 09, 2007


it's spring break. i will be spending 4 days or so visiting dominique which will be nice, but the rest of "break" is really no break at all. it's mainly because one of my professors is a fucking cunt and expects us to work on papers due shortly after we get back from break. and i'm in fucking pennsyltucky so there's still goddamn snow on the ground. and rednecks abound. and i woke up with a sore throat this morning, which most likely means i'm getting sick. so that's nice.

i cant even believe that someone nominated this stupid slut to speak at the senior speaker's dinner. of course she didnt win the speaking position, but the fact that she was nominated is vomit inducing enough. of course, i know the girl who nominated her and she's pretty fucking chemically imbalanced too so maybe it makes sense. all we do in this retarded class is read a chapter each week (all of which say the same goddamn thing) about the ethics of practicing law across national borders then she asks us questions to help her do her fucking job as chair of this-or-that organization. then we have to write a paper. to do the paper we have to conduct interviews as part of the requirement, but also because there isn't any literature on the subject. yet she never stops to think about why there isn't any fucking literature...because no one gives a flying fucking shit!

i mean, think about it. ethical rules involved in practicing across legal borders. international law is bullshit enough as it is when there aren't enforcement mechanisms. and these are lawyers we're talking about. they can craft any argument/justification why the ethical rule they followed should be the one that applies, or perhaps more often why the ethical rule they ignored should not apply. and who determines the sanctions? one of the international voluntary organizations like the IBA? give me a fucking break. if you don't like the rules you just wont join, and therefore you wont be "bound". besides, these organizations cant even agree themselves on a code of ethics to follow. so we're supposed to give weight to proposed codes of ethics of voluntary organizations? hahahahaha fucking right.

i better find a lot of people to interview so my paper can just be pure regurgitation. i've written a lot of bullshit in my day (see: law school exams), but this one might just take the cake.


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